ZeeWeed* Ultrafiltration (UF)


Water Technologies & Solutions fact shee

ZeeWeed* Ultrafiltration (UF)
model: ZW700B-10060, with end-caps

Description and use

As  a  pioneer  of  membrane  technology, VEOLIA leverages decades of research, development, and operational experience to offer the most advanced ultrafiltration technology in the market.

The ZeeWeed 700B-10060 (Figure 1) line of products contains our SevenBore* fiber technology with an inside-out flow orientation. The SevenBore fiber is regarded as the most robust polyethersulfone (PES) product on the market.

Figure 1: ZW700B-10060

Product specifications element data

Description ZW700B-10060/UF8/7B/S/0.9/60
Material housing PVC
Material endcap GFR-Polyamide
Housing length 1500 +0/-4 mm (59.1 +0/- 0.16 inch)
Element length 1682 +/-1.5 mm (66.2 +/- 0.06 inch)
Distance feed connectors 1596 +/-1.5 mm (62.8 +/- 0.06 inch)
Distance feed element center 179 +/-1.0 mm (7.05 +/- 0.04 inch)
Distance head-permeate connector 191 +/-1.0 mm (7.52 +/- 0.04 inch)
Permeate connection OD 2” Victaulic (2” Victaulic)
Feed connection OD 2” Victaulic (2” Victaulic)
Housing OD 250 mm (10 inch)
Element OD at endcap 320 mm (13 inch)
Weight 31.5 kg (69 lbs.)

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FSufZW700B-10060wcaps_EN.docx Dec-16


Figure 1: ZW700B-10060

typical process conditions


Description Measurement
Maximum temperature 40C (104F)
Max pressure 5 bar (72.5 psi)
Typical Trans Membrane Pressure (TMP) operation <1.0 bar (14.5 psi)
TMP maximum 2.5 bar (36 psi)
Backwash/forward flush maximum 250 l/m2h (150 gfd)
pH range during operation 2 to 11
Description Measurement
Cleaning pH range 1.0-13.0
Disinfecting Chemicals:
Hypochlorite (NaOCl) Hydrogen peroxide
Disinfecting Chemicals:
Hypochlorite (NaOCl) Hydrogen peroxide

membrane type

general properties

Description Measurement
Material Modified PES
Type SevenBore
Diameter bores ID 0.9 mm (0.04 inch)
Diameter fiber OD 4.0 mm (0.16 inch)
Area 60 m2 (646 ft2)

• UF membrane – for optimal removal of particulates, bacteria and viruses

• PES membrane fibers with 7 bores – provides high mechanical strength (>10x that of single fibers) and chemical resistance

• Inside-Out filtration – eliminates air scouring step and additional related equipment

storage and handling

All elements are filled with glycerin when new, which is part of the fiber manufacturing and preservation process. Elements must be stored in a dry and normal ventilated location, away from any sources of heat, ignition and direct sunlight in the original packing. The storage temperature must be between 5°C and 35°C (45°F to 91°F).

contact us

If you would like more information about VEOLIA’s Ultrafiltration, please contact your VEOLIA account representative or visit veoliawatertechnologies.com.

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